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Q: Why should tests for density and refractive index not exceed a certain level of sensitivity?
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Of course, Japan has speed limits too

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For wage earners: When you exceed a certain threshold of earned income. For taxpayers: Whenever you buy something in a store.

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Well when you hit a certain speed some cars have governers that make it so that you can not exceed a certain speed and in some instances a certain RPM

What happens when a material is placed in compression?

When a material is placed in compression, it undergoes a decrease in volume and an increase in density. The material experiences internal forces that push its molecules or particles closer together, leading to a reduction in its dimensions along the direction of the applied force. At a certain point, the material may deform or fail if the compressive forces exceed its strength.

What is the difference between PROject and proJECT?

A project is a temporary endeavor to meet a certain objective(s), where resources are allocated. Project Management is the application of dexterity and tools in order to meet or exceed the expectations of a certain project.

What is 17 of a fraction of an hour?

A fraction is an unspecified, vague term. The only thing that can be said with some confidence is that is will not exceed an hour. It will probably not exceed half an hour but ... So 17 times an unspecified fraction can be anything. As discussed above, you can almost be certain that it will not exceed 17 hours, and be pretty confident that it will be less than 8.5 hours but beyond that is anyone's guess.

Explain why an egg sinks in fresh water but floats in a strong solution of salt?

An egg sinks in fresh water because its density is higher than that of water. When the egg is placed in a strong salt solution, the density of the solution increases, making it higher than the egg's density. This causes the egg to float due to the principle of buoyancy, where an object will float if the liquid it is in has a higher density than the object.

What is the difference between project and project management?

A project is a temporary endeavor to meet a certain objective(s), where resources are allocated. Project Management is the application of dexterity and tools in order to meet or exceed the expectations of a certain project.

What makes something float on water?

An object floats on water when its buoyant force — the force pushing it upward — is greater than its weight pulling it downward. This is determined by the object's density; if it is less dense than water, it will float, but if it is denser, it will sink. This is why objects like wood and certain plastics float, while objects like metal sink.

Is exceed a verb?

Yes, the word exceed is a verb.