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Q: Why should you generally expect some error when estimating a parameter by a statistic?
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What is the 95 percent confidence interval for statistics?

In statistics you have an experiment which will consist of one or more measurements. These measurements are converted to some statistic: it could be the sample mean, variance, maximum or something else. If you repeated the experiment, the value of this statistic would also change.If your hypothesis is true - whether in terms of the distribution or its parameters - and you repeated the experiment many times, you should expect the statistic to fall within the confidence interval (CI) in 95% of your trials. Even if the hypothesis is true, you should expect random variations to cause your statistic to lie outside the CI in 5% of cases.If you have a result that falls outside the 95% CI, it could be because you were unlucky and hit upon one of the 5% of rogue cases or that your hypothesis was incorrect. In this case you play the odds and conclude that your [null] hypothesis was incorrect.In statistics you have an experiment which will consist of one or more measurements. These measurements are converted to some statistic: it could be the sample mean, variance, maximum or something else. If you repeated the experiment, the value of this statistic would also change.If your hypothesis is true - whether in terms of the distribution or its parameters - and you repeated the experiment many times, you should expect the statistic to fall within the confidence interval (CI) in 95% of your trials. Even if the hypothesis is true, you should expect random variations to cause your statistic to lie outside the CI in 5% of cases.If you have a result that falls outside the 95% CI, it could be because you were unlucky and hit upon one of the 5% of rogue cases or that your hypothesis was incorrect. In this case you play the odds and conclude that your [null] hypothesis was incorrect.In statistics you have an experiment which will consist of one or more measurements. These measurements are converted to some statistic: it could be the sample mean, variance, maximum or something else. If you repeated the experiment, the value of this statistic would also change.If your hypothesis is true - whether in terms of the distribution or its parameters - and you repeated the experiment many times, you should expect the statistic to fall within the confidence interval (CI) in 95% of your trials. Even if the hypothesis is true, you should expect random variations to cause your statistic to lie outside the CI in 5% of cases.If you have a result that falls outside the 95% CI, it could be because you were unlucky and hit upon one of the 5% of rogue cases or that your hypothesis was incorrect. In this case you play the odds and conclude that your [null] hypothesis was incorrect.In statistics you have an experiment which will consist of one or more measurements. These measurements are converted to some statistic: it could be the sample mean, variance, maximum or something else. If you repeated the experiment, the value of this statistic would also change.If your hypothesis is true - whether in terms of the distribution or its parameters - and you repeated the experiment many times, you should expect the statistic to fall within the confidence interval (CI) in 95% of your trials. Even if the hypothesis is true, you should expect random variations to cause your statistic to lie outside the CI in 5% of cases.If you have a result that falls outside the 95% CI, it could be because you were unlucky and hit upon one of the 5% of rogue cases or that your hypothesis was incorrect. In this case you play the odds and conclude that your [null] hypothesis was incorrect.

What expectation do you expect when you are a second year?

I assume this is a trick question, and the answer is "everything". If you expect it, it is your expectation and if it is your expectation, you expect it.

Can you Make the sentence using anticipate and expect?

When do you anticipate his arrival- When do you expect him-

What will you expect when you measure speed using the distance?

You will expect to find that you do not have enough information.

What is A chi-square test of significance is essentially concerned with?

A chi-square test is often used as a "goodness-of-fit" test. You have a null hypothesis under which you expect some results. You carry out observations and get a set of results. The expected and observed results are used to calculate the chi-square statistic. This statistic is used to test how well the observations match the values expected under the null hypothesis. In other words, how good the fit between observed and expected values is.

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