

Best Answer

If you mean stepped footings this is used if

the structure is being built on a hill / slope.

I stay in Scotland some of terms in construction

can be different

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Q: Why sloped footings are provided in foundations?
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Why is a L provided for column reinforcement in footings?

foundation reinforcement

What is the frost depth for Maryland?

Frost line here in Maryland is 24 inches. Foundations are normally dug to 30" where the footings are poured.

What has the author Harry E Auld written?

Harry E Auld has written: 'Analysis of field test results for single-axis-tracking solar collector foundations' -- subject(s): Foundations, Testing, Solar collectors, Concrete footings

What is combined foundation?

Combined footing is foundations supported more than one column and it’s useful when the columns are very close to each other.Usually support two columns, or three columns not in a row.Combined footings are used when tow columns are so close that single footings cannot be used or when one column is located at or near a property line.

Why is it necessary to step footings on a sloping site?

Stepping footings on a sloping site allows the foundation to follow the natural slope of the land, providing better structural support and stability. It helps distribute the weight of the building evenly and prevents uneven settling or shifting of the foundation. This ensures that the building remains level and avoids structural issues in the future.

What is the minimum distance between lift footings and regular footings?


Are fronts sloped or vertical?

They are sloped

How far apart are footings?

Footings will differ based upon the type of project. Most footings, if building a deck for example, should be about six feet apart.

Is perpendicular vertical?

Not necessarily. A perpendicular to a sloped line will be sloped. It will be at right angles to the sloped line, though.

Why is PPF negatively sloped?

why PPF in economics is negatively sloped

What is the difference between footings and foundation?

We could start with the argument that both words mean the same thing, that is, a basis on which anything is established. However, this is not the true answer to the question, shallow foundations are often called footings which are embedded about a meter into soil. A spread footing consists of strips or pads of concrete extending below the frost line and transferring weight to the soil or bedrock below. A foundation, or a deep foundation transfers the load of a structure through the weaker top soil to a more solid foundation underneath. There are different types of foundations, as driven piles or drilled shafts for example. Foundations have sufficient load capacity and are designed by a geotechnical engineer whilst footing need only the expertise of a structural engineer