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Q: Why slovins formula is being used?
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What is the difference between Sloven and Yamane's formula?

Its the same. The formula is alternatively called Slovins Formula but its more appropriately called Yamane formula since its Taro Yamane who formulated it.

How formulas in spreadsheet can be audited?

There is a formula auditing toolbar and there are options that can be used. By clicking on a formula to edit it, you can see the range finder highlighting the cells being used in the formula.

How can formulas in the spreadsheet be audited?

There is a formula auditing toolbar and there are options that can be used. By clicking on a formula to edit it, you can see the range finder highlighting the cells being used in the formula.

What is the chemical formula for Heisenberg reagent?

The chemical formula for Heisenberg reagent varies depending on the specific reaction or purpose it is being used for. It is not a standard chemical compound with a fixed formula.

What are chemical symbols and chemical formula used for?

chemical symbols and formula are short hand for chemicals to save every thing being massive like rutherfordium is Rf.

Is the similac formula a good brand of baby formula?

Similac brand is a great brand of baby formula. Simila is being used by thousands of people around North America and million's of people from around the world.

What is the chemical formula hydrogen catalyst?

The chemical formula for a hydrogen catalyst would depend on the specific catalyst being used. Common hydrogen catalysts include platinum (Pt), palladium (Pd), and nickel (Ni).

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Why is m used in the slope formula?

what we now call just the "slope" was once called the "modulus of slope", the word "modulus" being used in its sense of "number used to measure" (as in "Young's modulus").

Find the area of a cylinder?

To find the area of a cylinder a simple formula used is A=2(pi)r2 +2(pi)rh with; R being the radius of the circle and H being the height of the cylinder. the formula can also be translated as; 2(pi)rX[r+h]

What is the crush formula?

The crush formula is a mathematical equation used to calculate the force needed to completely crush an object. It typically involves variables such as the material properties of the object, its dimensions, and the force being applied. The specific formula can vary depending on the object and the situation.