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Usually there will be an ambiguity about the other angle. Try it out.

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Q: Why ssa isn't a congruency test?
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What are the five triangle congruency theorems?

SSS, SAS, ASA, AAS, RHS. SSA can prove congruence if the angle in question is obtuse (if it's 90 degrees, then it's exactly equivalent to RHS).

What is SSA blood test?

SSA blood test is a type of blood test that is used to detect the presence of antibodies known as anti-Ro/SSA antibodies. These antibodies are associated with autoimmune conditions such as Sjögren's syndrome and systemic lupus erythematosus. The test is typically used to help diagnose and monitor these conditions.

What is the symbol for congruency?

it looks like =with a~ over it

Did pascal invent congruency of triangles?

No, he did not. In actual fact nobody "invented" congruency.

How congruency is useful in daily life?

congruency means that we see r\

Can hair follicle test detect k2 spice?

No. There are no illegal remants of spice. And when there was they take it out. Spice shows up on no test. You can always ask what they test for spice isnt one cause spice isnt illegal.

Why can't ssa prove triangles congruent?

because neither side congruency nor angle congruency can be proved... to put it simply, this is because there would be too many variables with too little information if you set it up in an equation OR the fact that nothing is sandwiched between 2 parts like a side is not put between a side and an angle or vice versa, etc. In geometry class, we call this the "donkey theorem" (hence the acronym Angle Side Side)

What is the difference between a ssa 303 payment and ssa 310 deposit?

Ssa 303 is your disability monthly ssa 310 is Ssdi

What are three ways that triangles are congruent?

Triangles are congruent when:All three sides are the same length (SSS congruency)Two sides and the angle between them are the same length (SAS congruency)Two angles and the side between them are the same length (ASA congruency)

What is the theorem that proves triangles congruent?

law of congruency

What is the correct definition for congruency?

Something that agrees with or is in harmony with another.

Which point is the point of congruency for the angle bisectors of a triangle?
