Each fringe in the pattern is produced by the interference of light rays reflected from sections of the wedge having same thickness.The locus of points having the same thickness lies along lines parallel to the contact edge.So fringes are straight.
Yes a wedge is an incline plane.
It is the length of the sloped side of the wedge divided by its width.
yes, because a doorstop wedges the door. So it would be a wedge.
While a wedge and an inclined plane are not the same things, a wedge is a type of inclined plane. However, not all inclined planes are considered to be wedges.
because the thickness of air film is parallel to the edge
An angle formed by a wedge is a very intersting thing. How should I put it. We have to think about the wedge as being formed by an angle. Or vice versa. However, one should consider the intricate yet fulfilling joy of eating a twinkie.
An air wedge arrangement is a setup used to measure small distances or gaps with high precision. It consists of two glass plates separated by a thin film of air. By observing the interference patterns produced when light passes through the air wedge, the thickness of the air gap can be calculated.
It is simply a slang term that was popularised by Ben Hogan. Golf courses in Texas used to have a reputation for very hard and crispy fairways and fringes, so if a player was just off the green they would favour their putter over a wedge.
A tooth is not a lever. A tooth could be part of the lever formed by the jaw. A tooth could be a wedge.
The lines in an air wedge result from interference of light waves that have traveled different distances. The resulting interference pattern creates alternating dark and light bands. In Newton's rings, the circles are formed due to interference of light waves reflected between a convex lens and a flat glass surface. The varying thickness of the air gap creates a series of concentric circles of alternating dark and light fringes.
Intensity of rings formed depends on thickness of air column between the lens and glass plate.And the locus of points having same thickness of air column above it is a circle with its center as the point of contact between the glass plate and lens.
It depends how far you hit the ball generally, a lob wedge usually goes straight up in the air so not always too far. It can go about 70-100 yards.
That is called a shim or leveling post.I thought it was a beer mat.