

Why study math in tourism?

Updated: 10/26/2022
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βˆ™ 13y ago

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Studying math builds your mind, prevents senility, may provide you with some useful tools, is totally harmless and can give great personal satisfaction at little cost. Do it every reasonable opportunity. I am not sure what you mean by "in tourism". If you mean while you are a tourist, there is often some dead time while traveling, so instead of reading trash fiction or mindlessly listening to Pop Music, you will profit more from studying math. The pleasant, but perhaps not the most efficient way to study math is by thinking about problems that you do not know how to solve.

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Try to do problems (of the agenda) in your free time. If you want to, you can set up a number of problems, and try to finish them as quickly as possible. Then try improving on that time... The best way to study math is simple repetition -- keep practicing and repeating the facts over and over until you get them right! A study deck is great for learning math facts -- see the related question to learn how to make one.

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