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It can determine how many apple seeds are present in the core.

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Q: Why the Cross sectional area of the Core is an important parameter?
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How do you calculate resistance of 70mm2 single core wire?

To calculate the resistance of a single core wire, you will need to know the resistivity of the material the wire is made of, the length of the wire, and the cross-sectional area of the wire. You can use the formula: Resistance = resistivity * (length / cross-sectional area). Plug in the values for the resistivity, length, and cross-sectional area to find the resistance of the 70mm^2 single core wire.

How many turns are required to produce 30mH with a coil wound on a cylindrical core having a cross-sectional area of 10x10-5m2 and a length of 0.05m?


Which is best core or shell transformers?

Because the flux leakage is less in shell type than that in core type T/F.Additional AnswerA shell-type core's magnetic circuit is equivalent to a parallel electric circuit, so it has a lower reluctance compared to a core-type core of similar cross-sectional area.

What does mean of cable 2x3x70mm2?

70mm2 is the cross-sectional area of each individual core of the cable. The previous numbers may relate to the number of cores. I guess we are talking SWA here?

What are the disadvantages of core and shell types construction?

The 'core' type is a magnetic circuit equivalent to an series electric circuit; a 'shell' type is equivalent to a parallel electric circuit. So, the reluctance (magnetic equivalent of resistance) will be lower for a shell type of similar cross-sectional

What is fission cross section in nuclear reactor?

The fission cross section in a nuclear reactor is a measure of the probability that a neutron will induce fission in a particular nucleus. It is a crucial parameter for determining the neutron flux and reaction rates within the reactor core. Different isotopes have different fission cross sections depending on their ability to undergo fission when struck by a neutron.

How do you figure out How many turns are required to produce 30mH with a coil wound on a cylindrical core having a cross-sectional area of 10x10-5m2 and a length of 0.05m?

Whenever you are give the answer and there is something missing from the equation then it's like saying 100=25x4. They are saying either 100=?x4 or 100=25x?. This is how to solve L=30mH and the N^2=unknown number of Turns. Times your Permeablility x Cross-sectional or Area in square meters divided by the Length which is .05m

Why is the core is laminated alternatively in motor?

Cores are laminated to reduce circulating currents, called 'eddy currents', which are caused by voltages induced into the core. As each lamination is effectively insulated from its neighbours, its cross-sectional area and, thus, its resistance is increased. Additionally, the voltage induced into each lamination is much lower than would be induced into an unlaminated core -so, the combination of lower induced voltages and higher resistances significantly reduce energy losses in the core.

Why do cross country runners hafe to have good core strength?

Your core supports you when you run, and having a strong core will keep you going when you're tired. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- It is very important to have good core strength, it'll help your body be used to running for a long time without any breaks. Especially since in cross-country you have run on hills, in mud, gravel, rivers, and anything really. Cross-country isn't like track and has just one type of ground. Which means you need a lot more strength in certain areas.

What is the significance of stepped core?

A transformer's windings are pre-wound around insulated 'formers' or tubes of circular cross section. To achieve maximum flux density, the core should ideally be of circular cross-section, too. A 'stepped core', then, describes the way in which the widths of the outer laminations of a transformer's core are progressively reduced ('stepped') in order to achieve a roughly-circular cross-section.

What is the significance of CORE?

A transformer's windings are pre-wound around insulated 'formers' or tubes of circular cross section. To achieve maximum flux density, the core should ideally be of circular cross-section, too. A 'stepped core', then, describes the way in which the widths of the outer laminations of a transformer's core are progressively reduced ('stepped') in order to achieve a roughly-circular cross-section.

What are the core values of red cross?

Red cross deals with helping people in need. They also help sick people.