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Q: Why the bulb of the hydrometer is bigger than the stem?
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Why mercury is used in hydrometer?

A hydrometer consists of a cylindrical stem and a bulb weighted with mercury or lead shot to make it float upright. Mercury has a higher density, thus a lower volume for the same weight than lead. It is a toxic liquid metal, but also more dangerous and difficult to clear up the mess when a glass hydrometer is broken

Why is the scale of a hydrometer non linear?

The volume displaced to indicate a given change in Specific Gravity; e,g., 0.001, is less in higher SG liquids. If you do the math for a typical lab hydrometer, you will find that in a liquid with a SG near 1.100, you will have about 20% less stem travel than when it is near water at 1.000. The key to remember is that the weight of the liquid displaced is equal to the total weight of the hydrometer, not just the portion of it that is submerged.

Why the pycnometer method more accurate than the hydrometer method?

The pycnometer method is more accurate than the hydrometer method because it uses an analytical balance.

Will hydrometer float higher in fresh air or salt water and why?

The hydrometer will float higher in salt water because salt water is denser than fresh air. The buoyant force acting on the hydrometer is determined by the density of the fluid it is placed in, so it will float higher in salt water compared to fresh air.

Why bulb of wbc smaller than rbc pipette?

Rbc pipette is bigger than the wbc pipette to dilute the blood with fluid.

Why does a motor have a bigger resistance than a bulb?

A motor typically has a bigger resistance than a bulb because a motor is designed to convert electrical energy into mechanical energy, which requires more power and hence a higher resistance to handle the current flow. A bulb, on the other hand, is designed to emit light and produce heat with lower resistance.

How deep do you plant hosta bulbs?

Hosta have roots, not a bulb. You need to look at the stem and don't dig the hole any deeper than a foot.

How does calculated specific gravity compare to the hydrometer reading for the liquid?

The calculated specific gravity may be slightly different than the hydrometer reading. The calculated gravity is calculated using specific data while the hydrometer measures the liquid at a specific time and temperature.

How does the calculated specific gravity compare to the hydrometer reading for each liquid?

The calculated specific gravity may be slightly different than the hydrometer reading. The calculated gravity is calculated using specific data while the hydrometer measures the liquid at a specific time and temperature.

How is a barometer different than a hydrometer?

A barometer measures atmospheric pressure to determine weather conditions, while a hydrometer measures the specific gravity of liquids to assess their density or concentration. In summary, a barometer is used for weather forecasting, while a hydrometer is used for analyzing liquid properties.

Will a hydrometer float higher in fresh or salt water?

A hydrometer will float higher in saltwater than in freshwater because saltwater is denser, providing more buoyant force.

Why is it important for the stem to grow when the plant grows?

It's important for the stem to grow because if the other parts grow bigger than it, i'm pretty sure the plant will die because it can't carry all the weight.