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Q: Why the cardinal quantification of utility is not necessary to determine that the consumer balance his consumption of good x or y?
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Related questions

Should the cardinal point North be capitalized in the middle of a sentence?

No. It's not necessary.

How do geographers determine the location place?

The use cardinal and intermediate directions, and longitude and latitude.

How many votes are necessary to elect a pope?

A 2/3 majority of the number of cardinal electors taking part in a conclave are required to elected a pope. The actual number changes as the number of cardinal electors changes,

How can you determine the direction on a map without a compass rose?

You can determine the direction on a map without a compass rose by using cardinal direction.

What kinds of directions are north south east and west?

North, south, east, and west are the four cardinal directions that help navigate and determine positions on a map or compass. North is the direction towards the North Pole, south is the direction towards the South Pole, east is to the right when facing north, and west is to the left when facing north.

Cardinal points also refers to what instrument?

Cardinal points most commonly refers to the points north, south, east and west as shown on a compass. A compass is an instrument that uses the magnetic force of the earth to determine which direction is north.

How do you use cardinal points on a map?

Cardinal points on a map (north, south, east, west) help to indicate direction. They are used to orient oneself and navigate on the map by indicating which way is north, south, east, and west. By knowing the cardinal points, you can determine which direction you are facing and which direction to go to reach your desired location.

Who are some of the cardinals in the Catholic church?

The College of Cardinals has been pleased to have in its ranks illustrious names such as: 1) James Cardinal McIntyre, Cardinal Archbishop of Los Angeles 2) Ernesto Cardinal Ruffini, Cardinal Archbishop of Palermo 3) Francis Cardinal Spellman, Cardinal Archbishop of New York 4) Raphael Cardinal Merry del Val, Cardinal Secretary of State 5) Alfredo Cardinal Ottaviani, Cardinal Secretary of the Holy Office 6) Dennis Cardinal Dougherty, Cardinal Archbishop of Philadelphia 7) Samuel Cardinal Stritch, Cardinal Archbishop of Chicago 8) Edward Cardinal Mooney, Cardinal Archbishop of Detroit 9) Giuseppe Cardinal Siri, Cardinal Archbishop of Genoa 10) Manuel Goncalves Cardinal Cerejeira, Cardinal Patriarch of Lisbon 11) Pietro Cardinal Gasparri, Cardinal Secretary of State

What are the main directions on a compass rose called?

The main directions on a compass rose are called north, south, east, and west. These are the cardinal directions that help determine orientation and navigate in a specific direction.

What is the state bird in West Virginia?

Northern Cardinal is the state bird of West Virginia.

What is Ohio state bird?

The northern cardinal.

What would a magnetic compass help an operator determine?

A magnetic compass helps an operator determine the direction they are facing by aligning itself with the Earth's magnetic field, indicating the cardinal directions of north, south, east, and west.