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Q: Why the earth actually radiates 117 units not 21 units and why earth's temperature isn't so much colder?
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How does Neptune's temperature compare to earths?

It has colder temperatures than earth does

When Earths surface is heated it radiates some of the energy back into the atmosphere as?

infrared radiation, which is a form of heat energy. This process helps to regulate the temperature on Earth by preventing it from becoming too hot.

Earths nearest star radiates what type of energy?

Radiant and gravitational Energy.

How does temperature of earths crust compare to the temperature of earths interior?

it depends on the deepth

How does the ocean regulate earths temperature?

Water has a much higher specific heat (what's that?) than Earth (as in rocks or sand). Therefore, the ocean acts as a buffer (the land gets colder and hotter).

How does the atmosphere change when you go to high in an airplane?

The air becomes less dense, the higher you go. And generally, the temperature gets colder until you reach the thermosphere, which is the hottest part of Earths atmosphere.

When earths surface is heated it radiates most of the energy back into the atmosphere as ultraviolet radiation?

Not as ultraviolet; the radiation is emitted as infrared radiation.

What is the tempereture on earth?

The earths temperature varies for example living on the equator it would be hotter but up in the north lets say iceland it would be a lot colder so there is no real earths temperature(unless you get to the core of the earth)

What is the colder at high latitudes because the sun's rays strike earths surface at a angle there?


What is earths temperature today?

it is 65

What helps maintain earths surface temperature?

The Sun heats up the Earth At least, mostly It heats up the molecules in the air, which also explains why it's colder the higher you are- there are less air molecules for the Sun to heat up

Why do volcanoes cause earths climate get colder?

Volcanoes cause Earth's climate to get colder because their airborne debris reduce insulation.