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Vectors are an important part of navigation.

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Q: Why the knowledge of vectors important to maritime people?
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Who was the ancestor of the maritime people in the Bible?

Genesis 10:5 The maritime people were those who lived in the area around the Mediterranean Sea. Their ancestors came from the sons of Japheth who was a son of Noah. Gen 10:5 NET From these the coastlands of the nations were separated into their lands, every one according to its language, according to their families, by their nations.

Important people for science?

Somebody important for science is Martin Cooper who invented the first cell phone. Anyone that can advance the knowledge of mankind in any of the sciences is important. There is also Isac Newton who discovered the laws of gravity. Thomas Edison too because he created the light bulb.

What are the difference between tacit and explicit knowledge?

tacit knowlege is knowlege of experience and explicit if knowlege of rationality Tacit knowledge is the knowing of things without knowing how you know; explicit knowledge is the knowing of things that you can explain. For example, most people can speak grammatically without being able to explain the rules of grammar. This is Tacit knowledge. Explicit knowledge is that answer to 2X2. In Project Management, Tacit Knowledge is the knowledge your co-worker knows, but isn't codified or written down; while Explicit Knowledge deals with knowledge that is written down and structured. For example, your co-worker knows how to fix Word when it chokes on an important document; but she is the only one. This is the Tacit Knowledge that Project Management tries to root out and codify. Once that knowledge is written down and saved somewhere it becomes explicit.

Is there a quote in the bible that says People who lack knowledge will perish?

yes.sincerely how can you do anything without knowledge of what you are doing.surely you will fail(perish)

What are people who are good at abstract reasoning good at?

Everything, it measures their basic intelligence pre knowledge, add knowledge or numbers and they'll be better at it and faster to grab concepts than people who are not strong in that area

Related questions

Why is the knowledge of vectors important to maritime people?

ta ulom

Why is knowledge of vectors are important to the maritime people?

Knowledge of vectors is important to maritime people because it helps them understand and calculate the direction and magnitude of forces acting on a ship, such as wind and currents. This understanding is crucial for navigation, maneuvering the vessel effectively, and avoiding collisions. By using vector calculations, maritime professionals can plot safe and efficient routes while accounting for external forces.

Vector important to maritime?

Vectors are important in maritime navigation for determining the direction and magnitude of a ship's movement relative to the surrounding currents, winds, and tides. They help in calculating the optimal course to reach a destination efficiently and safely. Understanding vectors in maritime operations is crucial for effective route planning, collision avoidance, and overall navigation.

Why is knowledge of vectors important to marine people?

Navigators need to be able to combine the marine vessel's velocity with that of the any currents to arrive at the resultant speed and direction. This requires addition of the vectors representing the velocities of the vessel and of the current. It may also be necessary to add the wind velocity.

What is the Impact of information technology on maritime industry in Nigeria?

the nigerian people gets to know more about The ranges of the maritime industry.Suh knowledge will enable them to discard the usage of Banyans on sailing!

Why is knowledge important in sport?

to have fun and challenge people

Name the 4 important conditions of maritime development?

The 4 important conditions of maritime development include access to international markets, availability of skilled labor, access to financing, and a supportive regulatory environment. These factors are crucial for the growth and sustainability of maritime activities.

Why is the knowledge development important?

Well I believe knowledge development is impotant because it helps you apply for a job, you can rub it in your friends faces, and you can enter several contests. Knowledge is also important because people will be VERY proud.

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so we can tell our people and our knowledge will grow as we get older

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A maritime air mass forms over water. The word maritime means "of or pertaining to the sea."

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Why was the Mediterranean sea important to the Egyptians?

Fishing, maritime commerce, and protection from European invasion for some centuries.