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Q: Why the product of two fractions that are each less than 1 will always be less than 1?
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When is the product of two fractions less than its factors?

If the fractions are both proper fractions ... equivalent to less than 1 ... thenthat's always true ... the product is always less than either factor.

When multiplying proper fractions why is the product less than the both factors?

A proper fraction is less than 1. Any positive number multiplied by a positive number less 1 will be less than itself. In multiplying two proper fractions, each one is being multiplied by a number less than 1.

When you multiply a whole number by a fraction is the product always less than the original whole number?

A number multiplied by 1 is equal to the original number. So: For fractions where the numerator (top) is LESS than the deonominator (bottom), the product will be LESS than the original number, because the fraction has a value of LESS than 1. For fractions where the numerator is MORE than the denominator, the product will be MORE than the original number because the fraction has a value of MORE than 1. For fractions where the numerator and denominator are the same, the product will be the same as the original number because the fraction has a value equal to 1.

Why is the product of two proper fractions less than either of the fractions?

A proper fraction is less than 1. Whenever you multiply something by a number < 1, the result (product) is less than the original number. So when you multiply a proper fraction by a number less one (such as another proper fraction, the product is less than the original proper fraction. The only time a product involving a given number is larger than the given number is when you multiply the given number by a number that is > 1. Since all proper fractions are < 1, products involving them are always less than the original given number.

Can be the improper fractions less than 1?

Improper fractions are always > 1. Reason, the numerator (top) is always larger than the denominator(bottom). NB Improper fractions is the correct term for 'Top Heavy' fractions.

Why is the product of two positive proper fractions always less than either fraction?

because when you multiply the denominators it creates a much smaller proportion. for example multiply 0.5 by 0.5, the result is 0.25 in fractions it is 1/2 x 1/2, the result 1/4

When two fractions less than one are multiplied the product is sometimes greater than 1?

Certainly. -31/2 and -41/2 are both less than 1 and their product is 15.75

When you multiply an integer less than 1 and an integer less than -1 what is the product?


True or false-- The product of two fractions that are each between 0 and 1 is also between 0 and 1?

True, multiplying a value less than 1 by another value less than 1 cannot increase the first value.

Is it true the product of mixed number that are each between 4 and 5 and a fraction between 0 and 1 is always less than 4?


What are regular fractions?

Regular fractions are the fractions with a numerator that is less than the denominator and irregular fractions are fractions with a denominator less than the numerator.

Is it true that when you multiply two natural numbers the product is never less than either of the two numbers?

Yes. Natural numbers are counting numbers, equal to or greater than 0. The only ways a product can be less than its multiplicands is when multiplying fractions by fractions or multiplying a positive number by a negative number.