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Q: Why there are two scales on the protractor?
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How scales are on a military protractor that can be used to plot a grid azimuth?

There at at least 7 scales available to those using a military protractor for mapping. The most commonly used scales are:1:10,000 x 500 m1:24,000 x 1km1:25,000 x 1km1:50,000 x 2km1:100,000 x 5km1:250,000 x 10km1:500,000 x 20km

How many scales are on military protractor that can be used to plot a grid azimuth?

There at at least 7 scales available to those using a military protractor for mapping. The most commonly used scales are:1:10,000 x 500 m1:24,000 x 1km1:25,000 x 1km1:50,000 x 2km1:100,000 x 5km1:250,000 x 10km1:500,000 x 20km

How many scales on a military protractor that can be used to plot a grid azimuth?

There at at least 7 scales available to those using a military protractor for mapping. The most commonly used scales are:1:10,000 x 500 m1:24,000 x 1km1:25,000 x 1km1:50,000 x 2km1:100,000 x 5km1:250,000 x 10km1:500,000 x 20km

What instrument is used to measure the angle between two lines?

The instrument used to measure the angle between two lines is called a protractor. A protractor typically consists of a semicircular or circular tool with markings for degrees. To measure the angle, the protractor is placed along one line with the center point at the intersection of the two lines, and the angle is read where the second line crosses the protractor.

What is the purpose of a protractor?

A protractor is a tool used to measure and draw angles in geometry. It helps determine the size of an angle between two intersecting lines.

How do you spell protractor?


What is the unit measured by a protractor?

A protractor measures the angle between two lines meeting at a point called a vertex. The angle measurement is in degrees.

how two system of measuring angle?

By using a protractor we can measure an angle

What are the two type of scales?

There are two types of earthquake scales. These types of scales include the Richter scale, as well as the seismic scale.

What is a Full circle Protractor?

A full protractor is is a protractor that goes 360 degrees around.

What rhymes with protractor?

Contractor rhymes with protractor.