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When the last unemployed person gets a job, the Jobcentre will close...

...and the staff will be unemployed...

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Q: Why there will be never zero unemployment?
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Does Unemployment rate ever reach zero?

the unemployment will never reach zero. because unfortunatly there will be always some one who need or requires job.................muhammad saqib...........

Why isn't full unemployment the same as zero unemployment?

Full employment doesn't mean that there is zero unemployment. Full employment only means that the economy is operating at full employment because there is only structural unemployment, frictional unemployment, and seasonal unemployment. Remaining unemployment is cyclical. Even when an economy is working properly, it will experience frictional, seasonal, and structural unemployment. (gp)

Why isn't full employment the same as zero unemployment?

Full employment doesn't mean that there is zero unemployment. Full employment only means that the economy is operating at full employment because there is only structural unemployment, frictional unemployment, and seasonal unemployment. Remaining unemployment is cyclical. Even when an economy is working properly, it will experience frictional, seasonal, and structural unemployment. (gp)

Why isn't full employment the same as zero unemployment?

Full employment and zero unemployment are not the same because full employment refers to a situation where all individuals who are willing and able to work are employed, while zero unemployment would mean that there are absolutely no individuals without a job. In reality, there may always be some level of unemployment due to factors such as frictional unemployment (people transitioning between jobs) or structural unemployment (mismatch between skills and available jobs).

Why can all unemployment not be eliminated?

Unemployment can never be totally eliminated for the simple fact that: there are always new workers coming into the marketplace seeking employment; people leave jobs, either voluntarily or through the employer discharging them for various reasons; businesses exit the marketplace, thus eliminating jobs, etc.

When can an employer refuse unemployment?

I suppose you mean unemployment compensation. That is administered by the state you live in. The answer is never.

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Why isn't the natural rate of unemployment equal to zero?

The natural rate of unemployment cannot equal zero, because there will always be people seeking full time employment, because they are dissatisfied with their present job, or are newly in the workforce, etc. and hence are unemployed.

How do you use unemployment compensation in a sentence?

Example sentence - He did not qualify for unemployment compensation because he has never been employed.

Can a vector be zero if one of its component is zero?

No never

What year is 2009 if you count christ as zero?

Can I just point out there never was, never can be, a year Zero....

Why full employment is the economic goal instead of zero employment?

Zero is not an appropriate goal due to seasonal, frictional and structrual unemployment that is both inevitable and desirable.