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Q: Why two negative multiplication equal positive number?
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What does a positive and a negative equal?

When dealing with multiplication, a positive and a negative number forms a negative answer.

Does a negative number times a positive number equal a positive number?

No. An odd number of negatives in multiplication is negative.

Why does the product of 3 negative numbers equal a negative number number?

Because two negative multiplied together equal a positive. So after the first multiplication we have a positive and a negative. When we multiply these we have a negative.

Does a negative number plus a postive number equal a negative?

In addition, it depends on which is larger. In multiplication, a negative times a positive is alway negative.

Does a negative number plus a negative number equal a positive or a negative number?

It could equal both a negagtive number or a positive number. To get a definite positive or negative you times or divide. Well in addition and subtraction negative plus a negative equals a bigger negative. Kinda like -4+-4 =-8, but in multiplication and division 2 negatives equal a positive. -2 times-2 =positive 4.

Does a positive value multiplied by a negative value equal a positive?

No, the product of the multiplication of a positive and a negative value is negative.

Does a double negative number equal a positive number?

no it doesnt. two negative numbers equal a negative number. two postivie numbers equal a positive number. one negative and one positive number equal a negative number.

What is the multiplication property of negative one?

Negative one times any number is equal to the opposite of that number.Negative one times negative one is positive one. -from wikipedia

Does a negative number times a positive number equal a positive or a negative number?


Is a negative number divided by a positive number equal to a positive or a negative number?


Does a positive and negative equal a positive?

Mathematically it can vary if addition/subtraction. If it's multiplication/division, then it's always negative.

Does a positive plus a negtitve equal positive?

I think you're mixed up with the multiplication rules. But I know a much easier trick for multiplication rule. You count the number of negatives there are in the operation. If the number of negatives is an even number than the answer is positive. If there is an odd amount then the answer is negative. his only works for multiplication and division. You won't know if the answer os a positive plus a negative is until you determine the numbers. For example: 4+(-2)=2 but 2+(-4)=-2 If the positive number is bigger than the negative number (not counting the negative sign) than yes, the answer is positive. If the negative is bigger than your answer is negative. That'll be...1 trust point now.