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Lia Ruecker

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Q: Why value of sine lies between 1and -1?
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Why value of sine lies between -1 and 1?

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What is the value of sine 3.3?

Sine 3.3 degrees is about 0.057564. Sine 3.3 radians is about -0.157746. Sine 3.3 grads is about 0.051813.

What is the value of the sin?

If you mean the sine function, it is dependent on an angle. For example, the sine of an angle of zero degrees is zero; the sine of an angle of 90 degrees is one; for an angle of 180 degrees, the sine is again 0; if you make a graph, you get a curve that looks like a wave. In general, the values the sine function can take are between 1 and -1, inclusive.

What is the sine of 180?

The sine of 180 degrees is 0. Remember, the sine value on a unit circle is the y-value. If you find f(pi) in the function f(x)=sin(x), you will get zero as an answer.

Why sinΞΈ value is less then and equal to one?

If you look at the definition of the sine function in a triangle, you'll discover that the maximum possible value of the sine function is ' 1 ' and the minimum possible value is ' -1 '. There's no angle that can have a sine greater than ' 1 ' or less than ' -1 '. So the absolute value of the sine of anything is always ' 1 ' or less.

What is the value of the sine ratio for the angle 15 degrees?

sine(15 degrees) = 0.25882 (rounded)

What is the difference between pure sine wave and modified sine waves?

A pure sine wave has energy at only one frequency.Any other wave shape has energy at other frequencies in addition to the frequency of the obvious waveshape.If you add up enough sine waves with the right frtequencoies and amplitudes, they'll add up to form any shapeyou want, even a squarewave.

What is the value of 30 degrees?

sine of 30 degrees

What is the value of sine at pi?

One. Exactly one.

What is the exact value to sine 480 degrees?

The exact value is 0.5*sqrt(3)

Is sin squared theta and sin theta squared the same?

Your question is insufficiently precise, but I'll try to answer anyway. "Sine squared theta" usually means "the value of the sine of theta, quantity squared". "Sine theta squared" usually means "the value of the sine of the quantity theta*theta". The two are not at all the same.