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Q: Why variation used in statistics?
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Which measure of dispersion represents variation from the mean?

Are you talking of this in means of Statistics? If you are, then the variation from the mean is measured in standard deviation.

What is dispersion in statistics?

Statistical dispersion, a quantifiable variation of measurements of differing members of a population

Variation used in a sentence?

The Cobra is a variation of the Mustang.

What are the information used in statistics?

information can be used in statistics is known as ( 3 letters)

What is uses and importance of statistics?

Life is subject to variations. Statistics allows you to summarises information so that the effects of variation are isolated from underlying changes, and using these techniques, make sound judgements about events.

Are statistics used in financial Formulas?

Yes, statistics are used in financial formulas if they are available. The integrity and accuracy of the statistics determine if they are chosen to be used in the first place.

How are statistics used in the workplace?

Statistics are used in the workplace to explain money and buying trends for example. Statistics say what people will spend and when for example.

Properties of mode in statistics?

properties of mode as used in statistics

In Statistics what is a quantity that measures the variation of a population or sample relative to its mean?

Inter-quartile range, other percentile ranges, mean absolute variation, variance, standard error, standard deviation are all possible measures.

How the role of statistics is used in research?

Statistics is used to design the experiment (what type of data needs to be obtained and how much), then statistics is used to analyze the data (make inferences and draw conclusions).

How is data collected and used for the purpose of national statistics?

how is data collected and used for the purpose of national statistics

What software is used in statistics?

There are a huge amounts of software that can be used for statistics. Databases and spreadsheet packages are good for working with statistics. There are also lots of specialised packages to deal with statistics. SPSS is a very well known example.