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Q: Why void ratio of coarser is less than that of finer?
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What is finer than conglomerate and coarser that siltstone?


What is a mineral that is finer than conglomerate but coarser than siltstone?

Sandstone fits this description, as it is composed of sand-sized grains that are coarser than silt but finer than conglomerate. Sandstone forms when sand grains are compacted and cemented together.

What factors account for different capillarity in soils?

Texture, for one. Coarser soils (sandy) have much less capillary action than finer soils (clayey).

What is finer than conglomerate but coarser than siltstone?

The rock type finer than conglomerate but coarser than siltstone is sandstone. Sandstone is a sedimentary rock composed mainly of sand-sized grains, which are larger than the particles found in siltstone but smaller than the pebbles and cobbles in conglomerate.

What is the texture for silt?

Silt has a smooth, fine texture that feels silky between your fingers. It is finer than sand, but coarser than clay.

What is the definition of coaser?

"Coarser" usually refers to something that has a rougher or less refined texture or quality compared to something else. For example, coarser sand would have larger grains than finer sand.

What is the comparative of coarse?

The comparative form of "coarse" is "coarser." In English grammar, comparatives are used to compare two things, indicating that one has a higher degree of a particular quality than the other. In this case, "coarser" is used when comparing two things that are rough or not fine in texture or quality.

How does the texture and growth rate of pubic hair compare to that of head hair?

Pubic hair is typically coarser and thicker than head hair, and it grows at a slower rate. Head hair tends to be finer and grows faster than pubic hair.

How is particle size measurement by sieving carried out?

The material is passed through sieves of progressively finer mesh and each fraction is weighed. (a sieve is a net , grid or parallel arrangement of wires/plates that lets particles of dimension finer than the mesh size pass while sorting coarser particles into a dedicated container.

How is seed starting soil different from regular potting soil?

Usually seed compost is finer and has less feeding than potting compost as seedlings cannot cope with too much feeding in the early stages. As the plants grow a coarser grade of compost with different feeding in it is used gradually until the plant is in it's final pot.

What are the differences between espresso ground coffee and regular ground coffee?

Espresso ground coffee is finer and more powdery than regular ground coffee, which is coarser. This difference in grind size affects the brewing process and the flavor of the coffee.

Is sand bigger than clay?

Yes, sand has larger particle sizes than clay, making it coarser and more granular in texture. Clay particles are much finer and more compact compared to sand particles.