Because of everything she had been through ans she got on them knees :)
Lovelace was married
Ada Lovelace is best known as the first computer programmer.
she did the world
Ada Lovelace went to school from when she was 6 years old to about 18
Five famous mathematicians are: Ada Lovelace, Augustus De Morgan, Isaac Newton, Albert Einstein, and Adam Smith.
She was the first computer programmer.
No, Ada Lovelace is not single.
Yes, Ada did have a husband. He was William King, and he was a count of Lovelace.
she invented the first computer.
Ada Byron Lovelace is famous for her work on the early mechanical general-purpose computer created by Charles Babbage's. She was a mathematician and a writer as well.
Ada Lovelace born and died in London
Ada Lovelace has 12 children
Yes, Ada Lovelace has 12 kids.
Ada Lovelace has 12 children
Ada Lovelace born and died in London
Charles babage
sucking some dudes p E nis