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Q: Why was Grover kept saying food over and over ind chapter 4?
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For what length of time can meat be kept unrefrigerated before it is no longer edible?

The maximum for any perishable food is four hours. After that it has begun to spoil and is not safe to eat.

What is said in the Epistle of James Chapter five verse four?

In chapter 5, the author is warning the rich men that miseries will come upon them for their wrongdoings. Verse 4 says that if they hired labourers in their fields, but fraudulently kept back the wages due, God will hear their cries. Behold, the hire of the labourers who have reaped down your fields, which is of you kept back by fraud, crieth: and the cries of them which have reaped are entered into the ears of the Lord of sabaoth. It is a warning to those who oppress the poor that God knows of the plight of their victims. The term 'Lord of Sabaoth' is only used twice in the New Testament and refers to the armies of the Lord, suggesting the sin is not only heard, but will be avenged.

Where is the perfect meter kept?

Its kept in a museum in Paris, inside a glass case with the temperature inside the case kept the constant.

What means the variable that must be kept constant?

What variables must be kept constant

How does the canteen or cafeteria left overs can be recycled?

There are a number of recycling opportunities in the food catering environment. Packaging such as hard plastic, cardboard, paper etc can be recycled - at a rate of 100% Food waste - that is waste that cannot be reused because it been part of a meal on customers plate can go into food recycling which when rotted back can be used in a range of ground fill opportunities, mulching, dug in to replenish soil, break down water retentive ground such as clay vegetable waste from food preparation can be treated the same as above. Unused food can be chill or frozen stored and used for for new meals Cooked food can be recycled in to other meals as long as its kept in an appropriate chilled environment examples of which are potatoes can be kept whole and then made as toppings for cottage pies, sliced and fried to accompany meals etc Its estimated that kitchens can recycle 80% plus of their food and wrapping

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In German kept saying?

I kept saying = Ich habe immer wieder gesagt.

Where is the food kept in a space shuttle?

The food is kept in special frozen areas. This helps keeping the food from withering.

Which president had a mockingbird called Dick?

Thomas Jefferson and Grover Cleveland reportedly kept pet mockingbirds.

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By law what temperature should food in a fridge be kept?

It depends on the food. But food and safety laws state dairy should be kept at 40F or below.

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they kept on saying the who as a joke until one of their friends suggested it

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Cold food should be kept at 40 degrees or lower. Keep hot foods hot. This will insure safe food to eat.

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