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Q: Why was Rene Descartes important to the Science Revolution?
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How did Frances bacon and Rene Descartes contribute to science?

Both Francis Bacon and Rene Descartes created scientific methods. Francis Bacon was a philosopher and Rene Descartes was a philosopher and mathematician.

What languages did Rene Descartes speak?

Rene Descartes was a French Philosopher, Writer and mathematician. He was a great leader in the scientific revolution. He was fluent in French.

What other science did Rene Descartes delve into?

e was a nice man

Which part of science is Rene Descartes credited with developing?

analytical geometry

Who raised Rene Descartes?

Rene Descartes

What impact did Rene Descartes have on the Renaissance?

he was a great leader and he was an amazing at math and science

What human values are most important to Rene Descartes?

Rene Descartes valued rationality and human logic. Descartes is famous for his sentence, "I think, therefore I am." It was the mind that Descartes valued more than anything else.

Contributions of Francis Bacon and Rene descartes?

Rene Descartes and Francis Bacon are known for their philosophical contributions in the scientific revolution. Descartes contributions are in the areas of science and mathematics. He came up with the reasoning to the issues in these areas which are truth based and incontrovertible. While Francis Baconâ??s Scientific Method stressed on to replace the deductive reasoning by inductive reasoning.

When did Rene descartes become famous?

Rene Descartes became famous in November 1628 during a trip to Paris where he had a confrontation with Chandoux. Chandoux believed that science was based on probabilities. Descartes attacked this view and created a whirlwind of questions.

What was Rene descartes significance to the scientific revolution?

Descartes contributed to mathematics and physics, adding to the advances of the scientific revolution. The skepticism expressed in his philosophical theories also influenced thought in the scientific revolution and the Enlightenment.

Did Rene Descartes want to be a scientist?

Descartes was a mathematician and a philosopher, not a scientist. Of course, his work in mathematics has been very useful to science.

How did Rene Descartes impact the Age of Enlightenment?

Rene Descartes made a huge impact on the Age of Enlightenment. He promoted theories on philosophy, mathematics, and science based on ideas that he got while dreaming.