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Q: Why was china divided into multiple spheres of influence during the mid 19 century?
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Why was China divided into multiple spheres of influence during the mid 19th century?

Answer this question… European states hoped to economically dominate different parts of China.

Why was China divided into multiple spheres of influence during the mid-19th century?

Answer this question… European states hoped to economically dominate different parts of China.

Imperialist nations divided china into?

spheres of influence

What nation was divided into spheres of influence?

Spheres of influence are areas where one nation has dominant power over other nations. It is any area of the world where one state is more dominant. The spheres of influence refers to the areas in which a given directive works.

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Africa was divided by the Europeans into spheres of influence.

Why were European countries interested in china during the 19th century?

By creating spheres of influence in Chinese territory that granted them special trading rights

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Before World War 1 what nation was divided into British and Russian spheres of influence?


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What Describes a difference between American and European economic imperialism in china during the century?

European powers divided China into spheres of influence, while the United States promoted an Open Door Policy.

What describes a difference between American and European economic imperialism in China during the 19th century?

European powers divided China into spheres of influence, while the United States promoted an Open Door Policy.

What defined privileges access by britiain France Germany and russia to Chinese ports and markets?

Spheres of influence