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For purposes of accepting the Japanese surrender and providing postwar security in Korea and to temporarily divide Korea into northern and sourthern parts.

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Q: Why was the 38th parallel chosen as a dividing line?
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What was the dividing line of north and south Korea?

the 38th parallel

What is 38 parallel?

The 38th parallel is the dividing line between North and South Korea.

Where is the dividing line after the Korean war?

It is the "DMZ", or de-militarized zone, is the heavily guarded border that separates North and South Korea.The 38th parallel is the line that separates North and South korea.

What sever as the dividing line between north Korea and south Korea?

The 38th parallel

What was the prewar dividing line in Korea?

"The 38th Parallel"...38 degrees north latitude

Where was korea divided after world war 2?

After the defeat of Japan in 1945, the 38th parallel was chosen to divide the Korean peninsula into two US and Soviet occupied zones. The line dividing North and South Korea is still often referred to as the 38th parallel, but the border is no longer parallel to the equator and rather runs diagonally across the peninsula.

What is the term for the geographical dividing line North South Korea?

DMZ. It was 38th parallel before the Korean War

Define 38th parallel?

The 38 parallel is the 38 parallel latitude line across the globe. But this is the line dividing the North Korean and South Korean countries.

38Th parallel is the boundary line between?

38th parallel. Boundary known as between North Korea and South Korea

Was the 38th parallel the actual western border of north Korea?

No, the 38th parallel is a line of latitude that served as the dividing line between North Korea and South Korea following World War II. It was not the actual western border of North Korea, but rather the line that separated the two countries.

What line of latitude divided Korea after world war 2?

North and South Korea were divided (and still are) by the 38th Parallel North.

Which line of latitude that divided North and South Korea?

The demarcation line between North and South Korea is located near the 38th parallel. This line essentially divides the two countries along the latitude of 38 degrees North.