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Q: Why was the Sumerian social hierarchy was shaped like a triangle?
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Who made up the three classes in the Sumerian social hierarchy?

Community members made up the three classes in the Sumerian society.

The idea that traders were above farmers in sumerian society was apart of what?

it was a part of Social Hierarchy

How did the codes of Hammurabi affect Sumerian society?

The Code of Hammurabi established rules and regulations for Sumerian society, promoting law and order. It standardized punishments and provided guidelines for social behavior, impacting the legal system and social structure of Sumerian society. The code aimed to establish justice and protection for the vulnerable while maintaining social hierarchy and order.

What is the social hierarchy triangle?

The social hierarchy triangle is a concept that represents the way societies are structured based on the distribution of power, wealth, and status. At the top of the triangle are those with the most power, wealth, and prestige, while the larger base represents those with less power and resources. This model helps to illustrate the unequal distribution of resources and opportunities in society.

In social studies what is a upside down triangle?

In social studies, an upside down triangle could represent a pyramid of power or social hierarchy, where those at the top have the most power or authority and those at the bottom have the least. It can be used to visually represent societal structures and relationships.

What was the caste system influenced by?

The caste system in India was influenced by factors such as religion, social hierarchy, and economic structure. It was also shaped by the need for social organization and division of labor in ancient Indian society.

What is the hierarchy in ancient Egypt?

A hierarchy is the social system in ancient Egypt

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What is a social class in which it is impossible to move up the social hierarchy?


What is the change in one's position in a social hierarchy refers to?

The change in one's position in a social hierarchy refers to social mobility. This can occur either upward or downward, impacting an individual's social status and opportunities.

What were the sumerian social classes in order of importance?

Community members decided the social classes of the Sumerians

What religions undermined social hierarchy?
