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The invention of the transistor - and the later invention of the integrated circuit, which uses transistors - made it possible to have thousands, and eventually millions and billions of components on an area of a few square centimeters, making it possible to produce complicated circuits, and thus build lots of electronic devices, including modern computers.

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Q: Why was the invention of the transistor significant?
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Mary somerville's most significant contributions to the field of mathematics?

Mary Somerville was a Scottish mathematician and astronomer. She contributed many things to the mathematic world, but her invention of the commonly used variables for algebraic math is the most significant.

What incas invention helped with counting?

It was the invention and usage of a zero symbol

Why was the invention of Arabic numerals significant?

Because the Hindu-Arabic numeral system contained a zero symbol which made mathematical calculations a lot simpler than the Roman numeral system which didn't have a zero symbol.

The discovery of the cell was possible due to the invention of the?

The discovery of the cell was possible due to the invention of the microscope.

What number do you call if you have an invention but your not 18 and older?

Do whatever you have to. Get your parents involved no matter what it is people will be open to your invention.

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What circumstances led to the invention of the transistor in 1947?

before the invention of transistor,thyristor was used instead of transistor but thyristor produces more heat in the circuit and size is more when compared to transistor

What invention made the microcomputer possible?

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the invention of the transistor

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Where did the first transistor computer come from?

bell labs built one out of early point contact transistors in 1948 before the invention of the junction transistor.

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because transistor is not too hot while vacuum tubes are very easily to get hot

What 1947 invention by Bell Telephone Laboratories spawned pocket sized radios?

It was the Transistor!

What device made computer miniaturization possible?

The invention of the transistor is one answer. The invention of the semiconductor is another. Going further back... the invention of the valve.

Why transistor named transistor?

December 23Three scientists at Bell Telephone Laboratories, William Shockley, Walter Brattain, and John Bardeen demonstrate their new invention of the point-contact transistor amplifier. The name transistor is short for "transfer resistance". (Miniaturization of electronic circuits via the transistor is a key development making personal desktop computers small, reliable, and affordable.)

Which event most led to a reduction in the size and cost of computers?

The invention of the transistor was the first big event to lower cost and size. This was followed by the invention of the integrated circuit, which led to CPUs, GPUs, etc. cw: The first transistor invented was MUCH larger than the new miniature tubes, invented by GE.