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Q: Why was the issue of the new lands a problem after the War of Independence How was this problem solved?
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What document determined which lands in America belonged to England?

The declaration of independence

What does raising the conditions of new appropriations of lands mean in the Declaration of Independence Grievances?

maybe the king was assigning lands to royalty only?

What solved the problems of the dust bowl?

It finally rained in 1941. Plus, public attention switched from the homeland to Europe at this time because of WW1.

How successful were the articles of condferation concerning western lands?

Under the Articles of Confederation the American colonists fought and defeated Great Britain and gained independence. By the end of the "Confederation era," Congers had created a bureaucracy to administer the day-to-day affairs of the government. The issue over the western lands was solved under the Articles. The large states holding vast amounts of western land ceded the land to the government under the Articles so that all the states could share in the wealth of those lands. The Northwest Ordinances were passed that provided for the creation of equal, self governing states in the Northwest Territories and the newly created states would have the same rights and privileges as the original 13 states. Congress also provided for a survey of the western lands to prepare the land for sale to all.

What were the effects of the US annexing Lands after the Spanish- American War?

Cuban independence, u.s becomes a national power, u.s didnt know what to do with lands, u.s victory

What challenges did Rome face while building an empire around the Mediterranean sea?

They faced problems such as getting from their center point to every place that needed or had already been conquered. This problem was solved by building roads throughout their empire for fast travel. Another problem was conquering these peoples. This problem was solved by having a loyal and dedicated army and skilled diplomacy. Of course, it helps having an army standing behind you when you're trying to talk someone into something. Rome also used imperialism, or let the lands they conquered keep their traditions and beliefs as long as they were loyal to Rome.

He Has endeavoured to prevent the population of these states...raising the condition of new Appropriations of Lands Was said in what act?

The Declaration of Independence

Did the Spanish invade Uruguay?

Never after Uruguay got its independence (1825) but Spanish did colonize those lands before.

What are some strengths of the articles of confederation?

The issue over the western lands was solved under the Articles. The large states holding vast amounts of western land ceded the land to the government under the Articles so that all the states could share in the wealth of those lands. The Northwest Ordinances were passed that provided for the creation of equal, self governing states in the Northwest Territories and the newly created states would have the same rights and privileges as the original 13 states. Congress also provided for a survey of the western lands to prepare the land for sale to all.

What was the problem with the hyenas moving into the pride lands?

They were banned because they supported Scar.

What two accomplishments cam out of the Articles of Confederation?

Under the Articles of Confederation the American colonists fought and defeated Great Britain and gained independence. By the end of the "Confederation era," Congress had created a bureaucracy to administer the day-to-day affairs of the government. The issue over the western lands was solved under the Articles. The large states holding vast amounts of western land ceded the land to the government under the Articles so that all the states could share in the wealth of those lands. The Northwest Ordinances were passed that provided for the creation of equal, self governing states in the Northwest Territories and the newly created states would have the same rights and privileges as the original 13 states. Congress also provided for a survey of the western lands to prepare the land for sale to all.

What law passed under the Articles was the most important for domestic action?

Under the Articles of Confederation the American colonists fought and defeated Great Britain and gained independence. By the end of the "Confederation era," Congers had created a bureaucracy to administer the day-to-day affairs of the government. The issue over the western lands was solved under the Articles. The large states holding vast amounts of western land ceded the land to the government under the Articles so that all the states could share in the wealth of those lands. The Northwest Ordinances were passed that provided for the creation of equal, self governing states in the Northwest Territories and the newly created states would have the same rights and privileges as the original 13 states. Congress also provided for a survey of the western lands to prepare the land for sale to all.