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Q: Why was the math teacher so hungry?
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Best math teacher in tha world?

There are so many great math teachers it would be difficult to choose the best math teacher in the world. One of my personal favorites, however, is a math teacher in Toledo Ohio, named Mrs. Hillis.

The job duties of a math teacher?

The job duties of a math teacher is to keep the class in line but also to make it so the class is not bored she is also entitled to teach math

How much math is used to be a math teacher?

To become a teacher, not just a math teacher, you have to go to college for years.

What are math teachers?

People who teach math! Well, a math teaher is a person who helps you do math.. they help you add numbers togather multiply..etc... Also, the other person who wrote the commint is right because a math teacher is a person who teaches math so they add ers to teach get it? teacher teach so it has something in common so that's why they say math teach..

Why become a teacher?

Math sucks, so just don't become a math teacher. But if you do want to become a math teacher it is problibly because you like the subject and you want to pass your knowledge to the next generation, or just because you like teaching.

What does a math teacher does?

They teach math. by the way the ? should be ''What does a teacher do?"

What do you call a person that teaches math?

um, a math teacher

What pays more math teacher or music teacher?

a math teacher ha ha

What is the history of math matrices?

ask history teacher or math teacher

Why did it take the goat more than 3 hours to finish a 20 page book?

he wasn't very hungry .

Is math a profession?

No, but Math Teacher is.

Can math teacher teach physics?

yes a math teacher can teach physics