the number zero is first used by Indians only not by any one else<br /><br /><br /><br /> The number zero was actually invented by the <i><b>Ancient Egyptians
The number zero was the first "invented" number.
R.A Bhatta invented the number zero
zero was invented independently in India
Yes india invented the zero
1960 by Chuck Norris
R.A Bhatta invented the number zero
The number zero was the first "invented" number.
R.A Bhatta invented the number zero
zero was invented independently in India
no he invented the number zero he was a Hindu mathemathican
the mayans came up with the concept of zero
Yes india invented the zero
it was invented in India sometime in the middle ages
1960 by Chuck Norris
The zero was invented in northern India and passed on to Europe by Arabs.
Hindus invented zero. They called it sunya, the great silence.