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Q: Why was there a big gap between the Queen's first two children and he other two?
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What is the relationship between your children and your niece?

Your children and your niece are first cousins to each other.

What relationship are your first cousin's children to you?

You and the children of your first cousin are first cousins, once removed, to each other. Your children and the children of your first cousin are second cousins to each other.

What is the relationship between your grandmother's brother's children and your children?

If you are referring to YOUR grandmother and grandfather then your children are their great grandchildren. If you are referring to your parents, then your children are their grandchildren. The primary kinship dominates.

What is your relationship to your first cousin's children?

Your children and your first cousin are first cousins, once removed, to each other. Your children and your first cousin's children are second cousins to each other.

How long is queens blvd?

from one edge of queens to the other side of queens

What would be the relationship between my mother's cousin's children and me?

You and the children of your mother's first cousin's children are second cousins to each other. You have a great grandparent in common.The children of your mother's first cousins are your second cousins.The children of your mother's second cousins are your third cousins.

What is the relationship between first cousins and their children?

The children of first cousins are second cousins to each other. Where two people are first cousins to each other (call them Joe and Ed) Joe's children and Ed are first cousins, once removed, and Ed's children and Joe are first cousins, once removed. Joe and Ed are in the same generation. Their children are in the next generation. "Once removed" refers to people who are in different generations and there is only one generation difference between them, as is the case with parent and child. Grand parent and grandchild, for example are two generations removed from each other.

What what relation is your mother's sister's son to you?

Your mother's sister's children, sons or daughters, are your first cousins. The children of first cousins are second cousins to each other. That is the relationship between your children, or either sex, and your first cousin's children, of either sex..

What is your relation between your first cousins kids?

Yes, your "first cousin once removed" is either :your children's "first cousin twice removed" -- if your "first cousin once removed" is the first cousin of your parent, oryour child's "second cousin" if your" first cousin once removed" is the child of your first cousin.

What is your children's relation to your first cousin?

Your children and your first cousin are first cousins, once removed, to each other.

What is the relationship between my children and my nephew's children?

You don't, simple as that. You could say cousins if it's that important, or "my aunt's nieces and nephews on the other side," but there isn't an actual term for that except your "uncle's wife's siblings children."

What relation are your son and your first cousin's daughter?

Your children and the children of your first cousin are second cousins to each other.