The number 0 represents nothing. The number zero was made because 'nothing' has to have a numerical value, just as 'something' does. The number 0 is just a representation of nothing.
the correction which is made to get correct measurement after zero error
I and A!
an angle is made from 2 lines so a circle does not have angles
Technically, the answer is zero. Since zero times anything is always zero, the smallest product that can be made is always zero no matter what other factors are at play.
A decimal is a number out of a whole number that isn't zero or a fraction.
Izzy and Amie made the zero with a line through it!
the correction which is made to get correct measurement after zero error
I and A!
necessary correction can be made to find the correct measurement
Ancient people created random numbers and made the word "zero"
Mitsubishi manufactured the A6M Zero
Absoulute zero is only a theoretical temperature. Nothing can every be made that cold.
Integers are whole numbers, be they negative, positive, or zero.
zero as he and stanley walked torwards the thump
The number zero has always existed. Most historians believe that zero was first described by Indian mathematicians around 600 bce
an ancient indian scientist aryabhatta
list all zero turn zooms you made in 2007 and 2008