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Q: Why were the America officers not worried about the incoming planes?
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What were radar for in World War 2?

Radar was used by England to detect incoming planes

How many pilots in marine corps?

only officers are in marine aviation but there are more enlisted then officers so not many most fighter planes are navy but air force does RC planes and crap

Why only officers can fly military planes?

Military planes can only be flied by the military officers because the officers are well-trained and highly qualified to fly the military aircrafts. The officers are trained in high altitudes and in many different regions which helps them in flying the aircraft in bad whether or whatever the condition is.

How many planes did America have?


Where are the fastest war planes made?

In America

Where are Stanley planes made?

Stanley planes are one of the few tools still made in America.

Who flew the planes that dropped the 2 first atomic bombs?

Two officers named Tibbits and Swanee.

Why didn't radar detect the incoming Japanese airplanes?

They did, but sometimes the planes would fly very low so that the radars could not detect them.

How do immigrants get to America today?

boats, planes, and ships

How is an anemometer used in airports?

Anemometers are used in airports to measure wind speed and direction. This information is crucial for pilots during takeoff, landing, and taxiing, as wind conditions can affect the aircraft's performance and safety. Air traffic controllers also use anemometer data to make informed decisions about runway usage and flight operations.

Does America supplied F16 fighter planes to India?

yaa why not

What places in south America have tall grassy planes?
