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Q: Why were there so many extinctions in the 1900's than in any other centuries?
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What section of the US had many factories pre-1900s?

The North, especially the Northeastern section, of the US had many factories pre-1900s. The South mostly had plantations. Both needed each other.

How many extinctions has earth experienced in its history?

Mass extinctions--at least two--one at the end of the Permian, and one at the end of the Cretaceous, with numerous other less severe events. As far as the extinction of individual species, that list would cover millions of extinct organisms.

How many people did Superman save in the 1900s?

Superman didn't exist in the 1900s

How many cheetahs were there in the 1900s?

It is estimated that there were around 100,000 cheetahs worldwide in the early 1900s. However, due to habitat loss and poaching, their population has declined significantly over the years. Today, there are only about 7,000 to 10,000 cheetahs left in the wild.

Why many scientists believe that something other than asteroids have caused most of the catastrophic extinctions of the Earth's past?

Many scientists believe that something other than asteroids have caused most catastrophic extinctions because some events, like the Permian extinction, show multiple stressors occurred simultaneously. The Deccan Traps volcanic eruptions coincide with the extinction of dinosaurs, suggesting a connection. Additionally, gradual environmental changes and feedback loops could have contributed to mass extinctions more than singular events like asteroid impacts.

What evidence proved the world was round in the early 1900s?

By the 1900s, many hundreds of ships had sailed around the world.

How many cars did gm sale in the 1900s?

The 1900s goes from 1900 to 1999. GM was founded in 1908. The answer will be millions.

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How many centuries in 10 scores?

two centuries

How many centuries are in 350 years?

3.5 centuries.

How many centuries are in a millennuim?

There are 10 centuries in a millennium.