17.875 times or 17 with remainder 35.
65 divided by 20 is 3.25 or 3 with remainder 5.
Unless they are divided by themselves or one, they will always have a remainder.
A remainder of 5 need not be 4.
17.875 times or 17 with remainder 35.
65 divided by 20 is 3.25 or 3 with remainder 5.
to change from yards to feet you multiply by 3
The remainder is always 31 or less.
Unless they are divided by themselves or one, they will always have a remainder.
I never heard of the name Divid. Could you mean "David"? If so, it's Kāwika.
A remainder of 5 need not be 4.
If you divide correctly, the remainder will always be less than the divisor.