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This happens because a negative number is dominant over a positive one, so the number will multiply just as if you were multiplying even numbers, but at the end, just put a negative symbol. Also, if you multiply two negatives, they cancel themselves out, and the answer just becomes positive, but that only goes when multiplying an even amount of negative numbers together. For all of these, do the equation the same way, but at the end you may have to just add or take away a negative or positive symbol.

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Q: Why when you multiply and negative number and a positive number it always equals a negative number?
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A negative times a positive is always a negative.

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It is a negative. Always remember this: -A positive times a positive equals a negative -A negative times a negative equals a positive -A negative times a positive equals a negative *This works ONLY for addition and multiplication I hope this info helped you! :)

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(+)(+)=(+) (-)(-)=(+) (-)(+)=(-) (+)(-)=(-) This is all.

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