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First, there are certain sign conventions. It could be defined in a different way, but things are traditionally done in a certain way. Second, if work going out of the system is defined as positive, then it is quite logical that work going into a system should have the opposite sign.

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Q: Why work done on the system is negativeand it is positive when its done by the system?
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Is the work done by the system is considered as positive or on the system is considered as positive?

In thermodynamics, work done by the system is considered positive. Work done on the system is considered negative.

How do you determine a work done is positive sign or negative sign?

If work is done on the system then it has a negative sign. If work is done by the system then it has a positive sign.

Work done on the system is?

work done on the system: when a surrounding does work on the system the total energy increases so work done is positive..........

When is a thermodynamic work said to be positive?

A thermodynamic work is said to be positive when the system does work on the surroundings. This occurs when energy is transferred from the system to the surroundings, resulting in a decrease in the internal energy of the system.

When do you say that the work done is positive or negative?

Work done is considered positive when the force applied and the displacement of the object are in the same direction, causing movement in that direction. On the other hand, work done is considered negative when the force applied and the displacement are in opposite directions, resulting in work being done against the direction of the force.

When is work done positive?

There are two conventions. One says that work done on the system is positive, the other says that work done by the system is positive. Chemists tend to use the former, physicists tend to use the latter... one of several reasons it's not a good idea to take thermodynamics in chemistry and physics at the same time.

What is positive work done?

POSITIVE work is done when the direction of displacement and gravitational force is same. This makes an angle of zero degrees. Fd?FScos0 equals +1. The work done is positive.

What is the first law of thermodynamics applied to closed and open system showing the meaning of the positive and negative sign of heat and work?

The first law of thermodynamics states that the change in internal energy of a system is equal to the heat added to the system minus the work done by the system. For a closed system, heat added to the system is positive if it is absorbed by the system, and negative if it is released by the system. Work done by the system is positive if the system does work on its surroundings, and negative if work is done on the system. For an open system, the same principles apply but heat and work may also account for changes in the system's mass flow.

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When the gas in a balloon is heated the balloon expends. What are the correct signs of heat and work for this change?

The sign for heat added to the system is positive because heat is being transferred to the gas. The sign for work done by the system is also positive because the gas is expanding against the external pressure.

What signs on q and w represent a system that is doing work on the surroundings as well as losing heat to the surroundings?

Positive work done on the surroundings by the system (q>0) and negative heat transferred from the system to the surroundings (w<0).

What would happen to an object's velocity if positive work was done on an object?

If positive work is done on an object, its velocity will increase. This is because work done on an object transfers energy to the object, which can result in an increase in its kinetic energy and thus its velocity.