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Q: Why would a ruler be interested in maintaining stability?
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Why did Thomas Hobbes believe the people needed an absolute ruler?

Thomas Hobbes believed that people needed an absolute ruler to prevent chaos and maintain social order. He argued that without a strong central authority, individuals would act in their self-interest and engage in a constant state of war, making life solitary, poor, nasty, brutish, and short. A strong ruler, in Hobbes' view, was essential for maintaining peace and stability in society.

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There really is not a "best" in this case. If you are interested in building and maintancing computers, creating programs, maintaining and creating internet networks then computer engineering would be better for you. If you are interested in building, maintaining and analyzing electrical systems then electrical engineering would be better for you.

Does Machiavelli favor a system of government that would provide directly for people's needs?

No, Machiavelli emphasizes the importance of political stability and a strong ruling power over directly providing for people's needs. He argues that a ruler should focus on maintaining power and order, even if it means using harsh or deceitful tactics.

What did the Chinese believe a ruler kept the mandate of heaven?

The Chinese believed that a ruler kept the mandate of heaven by governing justly and responsibly, maintaining peace and order in society, and caring for the well-being of the people. If a ruler failed in these duties, it was believed that they would lose the mandate and be overthrown.

What were a Rajah's duties?

A Rajah was a ruler or king in ancient Indian society. Their duties typically included governing their kingdom, maintaining law and order, administering justice, protecting their subjects, managing the economy, and ensuring the well-being of their people. Additionally, Rajahs were often expected to lead in times of war and make decisions that would benefit the overall prosperity and stability of their kingdom.

What did Thomas Hobbes argue?

Thomas Hobbes argued that human nature is inherently self-interested and driven by a desire for power. He believed that in the state of nature, without a governing authority, life would be "solitary, poor, nasty, brutish, and short." Hobbes advocated for a social contract whereby individuals relinquish some freedoms to a sovereign ruler in exchange for protection and stability.

Which party admired Britain's stability?

The Federalist Party admired Britain's stability, viewing it as a model for establishing a strong central government and maintaining order in the United States. They believed that adopting British political practices would help prevent the chaos and weakness they saw in the Articles of Confederation.

What were machiavelli's radical new political ideas?

Machiavelli introduced the idea that a ruler should prioritize maintaining power and stability over moral principles, advocating for the manipulation of appearances and the use of any means necessary to achieve political ends. He also emphasized the importance of realism and pragmatism in politics, encouraging leaders to be flexible and adapt to changing circumstances to ensure their success. Additionally, he proposed that a strong centralized state would better ensure stability and security than a fragmented nation ruled by competing powers.

How would B change to gain stability?

To gain stability, B could focus on building a diverse revenue stream, reducing expenditures, implementing risk management strategies, and strengthening relationships with key stakeholders such as customers, suppliers, and investors. Additionally, improving operational efficiencies and maintaining strong leadership and governance practices will contribute to long-term stability.

What else happens to a ruler clamped on a table and pushed down with more force other than it lasting longer?

Pushing down with more force on the ruler could cause it to bend or break, depending on the material it's made of. Additionally, the table underneath may experience extra pressure or stress, potentially affecting its stability.

How do you say ruler in spanish?

The ruler (wooden rule) would be la regla.

How many whole inches are on a ruler?

Depends on the length of the ruler A 6 inch ruler would show 6 whole inches A 12 inch ruler would show 12 whole inches.