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Q: Why would it be hard to wrap a pyramid shaped present?
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How hard would it to build a pyramid today?

It would be easy because we have more advanced things to build them.

What objects are shaped like pentagonal pyramid?

I'm actually having a hard time thinking of any myself. I hope someone else can. The main thing to remember is that pyramids, like cones, come to a point (or apex) at the top. So a Toblerone bar is *NOT* a pyramid. Rather, it is a triangular prism.

Can you skateboard down the pyramid of Giza?

I'm sure you COULD try, however it would not be possible in the "realistic" terms of an actual skateboarder you could but it would leave groove marks also it would be hard to go down on skateboard as it is steep and if you did it regularly it would erode the pyramid

What is the present continuous tense form of you work very hard today?

Present continuous is formed with am/is/are + present participle. Because you is a plural pronoun you would use the be verb are The present participle of work is working. So the present continuous is: are working -- You are working very hard today

How many line of symmetry does a moon have?

It would be hard to find a line of symmetry on a moon, as it is likely to be irregularly shaped.

Who protected tombs at the valley of the king?

that was what the pyramids were for , to keep the tombs safe and inside the pyramid there would be a maze so it was hard to get to the tomb

Was it hard to build the great pyramid?

We think so yes.

What is a sports participation pyramid?

it is a pyramid describing how people participate in sports. Simplez.

Which is the weakest point of the pyramid?

The tip of course. If you got the sledge hammer and were going to hit the tip of the pyramid, the tip would break off. The strongest would be the base, so, if a sledgehammer were to be swung at full speed, hardly any damage. considering the base is as hard as the solid earth.

Why did famer do the most of the work on the pyramid?

because they were hard worker. hahaha

What are the different types of pyramids?

There are about three types of pyramids in Ancient Egypt: "True" pyramid- The typical pyramid, with smooth sides and hard edges(the pyramids you would imagine) Bent pyramid- Very smooth and has curved sides(obviously looks bent!) Stepped Pyramid- Has many steps to the top(it's a STEP pyramid!)

How long does it take to built the Great Pyramid?

about twenty years of hard labour