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Q: Why would someone bleed only 1 to 2 days?
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Can a dog in heat bleed longer than 14 days?

They are in heat 21 days and only bleed the last week if you dog is bleeding for more than 4 to 7 days callyour vet please

Do snakes bleed when they shed?

Not usually. The only time a snake would bleed during the shedding process is if there are 'complications'

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the drug would stay in your system for 10 days.

Are CATS ment to bleed 2 days after giving birth to a litter of kittens?

definitely not, a cat should only bleed a little while giving birth

Can a girl get pregnant after her last period?

Only the first days when you bleed are considered really safe, so yes.

When was Only Women Bleed created?

Only Women Bleed was created in 1975.

How many days do your period be apart?

This depends on how long your menstrual cycle is. The usual cycle is 28 days long. Day one of the cycle is the first day of your period. If your period lasts for five days then take five away from 28 and you will have 23 days before your next period starts. Some people could have a 32 day cycle and some could have 24 a day cycle or anything between. Also, some women bleed for 2 days only and some bleed for 5 or 6 days so you could have a 24 day cycle and bleed for 6 days. This would mean that you will have 18 days between periods, or, you could have a 32 day cycle but only bleed for 2 days. In this case you would have 30 days between your periods. We are talking here about regular periods. If you have bleeding that is not regular then maybe a trip to the doctor will provide some reassurance.

Is it normal to not only bleed a few days after sex but to have such sharp pains that I can't even sleep?

Go and see your GP today.

Is it normal to start your period only 4 days after being off the patch?

Yes. This is caused by coming off the patch. Its a withdrawal bleed.

If a woman stops BCP after only one week then has bleeding for 20 or so days but it's much lighter than her period IS that a period or is that spotting Wld this cause breast discomfort or soreness?

This bleeding is caused by stopping BCP. It is known as the withdrawal bleed. However you should only bleed a few days, not for 20 days. Make a appointment with your Doctor for a evaluation. Please note this is advice only and should not be used in place of a medical experts.

How long do you bleed after your cherry is popped?

Tearing the intact hymen usually results in bleeding. As you have worded this question, the answer is "No" because the person tearing the hymen usually does not bleed. The one whose hymen is torn is the one who does the bleeding.