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Q: Why would stabilizing selection change the shape of a graph of phenotypes?
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Explain how stabilizing selection would affect a graph of the distribution of phenotypes for a trait?

Stabilizing selection would result in a graph showing a peak at the intermediate phenotype, with fewer individuals at the extreme phenotypes. This is because individuals with intermediate phenotypes are favored, leading to the reduction of extreme phenotypes in the population over time.

What does a Graph look like showing phenotype distributions for stabilizing selection?

A normal curve. A Bell curve.

What form of natural selection is shown on a graph as selection against an extreme?

Directional selection is shown on a graph as selection against an extreme. This occurs when individuals at one extreme of a trait distribution have lower fitness than individuals with intermediate phenotypes or those at the opposite extreme. Over time, this can lead to a shift in the average phenotype of a population.

What is the difference between directional and disruptive selection?

I'm not sure what "stabilizing directional" selection is, but if you get out a bell curve graph... Stabilizing selection tends to select for individuals around the average, or mean, of a population, which technically makes the curve steeper. Directional selection shifts the average in one direction (shifts the whole curve in one direction). Disruptive selection creates two new averages, which means it splits the one curve into two, smaller, separate curves.

What is stabilizing evolution?

A mechanism (most common) of natural selection where overall genetic diversity decreases due to particular trait or genotype getting 'fixed' into the population. It is usually represented as a parabola on a graph.

Compare and contrast stabilizing directional and disruptive selection?

Stabilizing selection favors the average phenotype and reduces genetic diversity by selecting against extreme traits. Directional selection favors individuals at one extreme of the phenotypic range, leading to a shift in the population's average phenotype. Disruptive selection favors individuals at both extremes of the phenotypic range, increasing genetic diversity within the population.

The following curve shows the distribution of the masses of the individuals in a population of gerbils. Which of the curves below shows the same population after stabilizing selection has happened?

It would be the one taller then the original graph. APEX

What is the graph that measures a change over time?

Line graph

What type of graph is used to show change?

bar graph

What characteristic of a graph represents the rate of change?

The slope of a graph.

How do you determine the rate of change in a graph?

Rate of change is essentially the same as the slope of a graph, that is change in y divided by change in x. If the graph is a straight-line, the slope can be easily calculated with the formula:Vertical change ÷ horizontal change = (y2 - y1) / (x2 - x1)

How do you change a time graph into a rate graph?

differentiate with respect to time.