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The lengths of each of its sides.

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Q: Why would you need to know how to find the perimeter of an object?
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How is a perimeter related to the operation of addition?

Perimeter is the outside length of an object...three-d or not. So, if you want to find out the outisde length of an object/perimeter, you will have to know the measure of one or two sides (depends on a shape) and add it.

How do you find the perimeter of a triangle when the perimeter is 177?

If you know the perimeter, there is no need to find it again.

How do you find the perimeter of a triangle with sides like 2x and 5x and 6x?

To find the perimeter of a triangle you have to add up all the sides. So to find the perimeter of this triangle you just add 2x+5x+6x=13x. To find the actual perimeter you would have to know what x equals

Is it true that you can't find the perimeter if you don't know the area?

Not exactly. If I know the side lengths, I can still find the perimeter

What is the length and width for 72 perimeter?

We need to know the shape of the object.

How would you find the width if you only know the perimeter and length?

If it's a rectangle, just minus the length from the perimeter twice and than divide what you have by 2. Width = (Perimeter - (length*2))/2

How do you find the area if you know the perimeter?

It is impossible

Can you find the height of a triangle when you know the perimeter?


When do you need to find perimeter?

You need to find perimeter when you buy a house, because then you know where your yard begins and ends.

When in the real world would you ever need to know how to find the area or perimeter of a figure?

Laying turf then fencing it in

How do you find the perimeter if you already know the circumference of a circle?

The circumference of a circle is the length of the circle's perimeter.

How do you find the base of a rectangular prims if you know the length width and perimeter?

It isn't clear how you would define the "perimeter" for a 3D figure. The base is the product of length x width.