You need to be more specific with your question. There are too many variables that can affect fuel consumption, such as: Clogged fuel filter, dirty air filter, old/dirty sparkplugs, weak coil, etc.
If you cut a rectangle in half you wouldn't get a solid figure at all, since a rectangle is a plane figure. If you made a straight line cut you would get either a triangle or a quadrilateral of some variety depending on exactly how the cut was made.
A cross section imagines what something would look like if you cut it in half (or more or less in half) and looked at the surface that was exposed by the cut.
Another cylinder
A rectangular prism or a cuboid.
It would have to be very, very dirty to do that. What you would notice is decreased fuel mileage. You also might feel it surge like it was running out of gas while going down the freeway. What do you mean by "cut off sometimes"?
your engine is running much to rich. jmmmzzz.
If a candy bar was cut in half the mass would decrease.
a percentage or amount of something AE: the fuel. there is a cut off ration on your fuel system so that your engine does not flood out and stop running.. or burn up.. its main purpose is to improve gas mileage and air fuel ratio. increasing performance
It would be a wooden cube that has been cut in half and painted red.
By adding a fuel additive in the gas tank you are going to get better gas mileage. It cleans all the injectors and all the fuel lines and the rest of the system.
Its like if I cut you in half, would that be good for you?
Do you have a check engine light? If not, then first a good tune up with a fuel filter. Also, have the clutch fan checked. If it stays "locked in" then that also will hurt.
If you cut a line into two pieces it would be a half.
my experiencess with vehicles that cut out while idleing would be a fuel filter or fuel pump problem.
it would continue to live because worms have 4 hearts. :) But if you cut a worm in half and it doesent keep moving its because that's really just half of a worm that someone already cut in half