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Q: Why you cannot move your hand one vertically and other horizontally?
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In Manhattan, it's easy to tell as avenues run vertically and go from east to west. Streets on the other hand run horizontally and go from south to north.

How do you play piano using left and right hand?

If you're talking about simultaneous playing, playing left hand and right hand at the same time requires practice. Try thinking of the music vertically as well as horizontally.

Do Chinese write vertically or horizontally?

For the same reason the we read left to right horizontally. It is a natural motion of the eyes and head and hand. They started that way and found no reason to change. The bigger question is why do they read right to left, when writing is always going to smudge the ink.

A bullet is fired horizontally out of a gun at the same time another is dropped from the end of the barrelthe one to hit the ground first is?

The bullet fired horizontally will hit the ground first, given that it has an initial horizontal velocity that keeps it moving forward from the moment it leaves the gun. On the other hand, the bullet dropped from the end of the barrel only has the force of gravity acting on it, causing it to fall vertically, which is slower than the horizontal motion of the fired bullet.

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A plasterer's hawk is a tool. It is a square board ( about 9 inches ) with a perpendicular handle. It is held horizontally in one hand while the other hand lifts the plaster off of the board with a float.

What are the differences between landscape and vertical orientations in photography?

The main difference between landscape and vertical orientations in photography is the way the camera is positioned. Landscape orientation is when the camera is held horizontally, capturing a wider view of the scene. Vertical orientation, on the other hand, is when the camera is held vertically, emphasizing the height of the subject. Each orientation can convey different moods and perspectives in a photograph.

How do you vertically center a letter?

This depends on what tools you have at hand. Are you using a computer and trying to vertically center a letter in a table cell? or are you nailing a letter on a board?

What is a sentence for the word on the other hand?

I thought the movie plot was good, but on the other hand, the acting was terrible.Christmas is a happy day for most, but on the other hand many people with problems cannot enjoy the day.

Is there any hand in poker that can beat a royal flush?

No, a royal flush is the highest hand in poker and cannot be beaten by any other hand.

How do you center vertically?

This depends on what tools you have at hand. Are you using a computer and trying to vertically center a letter in a table cell? or are you nailing a letter on a board? On the computer the program you are using may have a "center vertically" among it's formatting commands.

What are 'freerolls' in the game of poker?

A freeroll in the game of poker is a situation in which a player cannot win the hand and cannot lose the hand. An example of a freeroll hand is when a person has 2 aces and other person has 2 aces.

Is a turnip a tap root or a fibrous root?

A turnip is a tap root. A tap root is a single, thick root that grows vertically downward, with smaller lateral roots branching off from it. Fibrous roots, on the other hand, are a mass of thin roots that spread out horizontally from the base of the stem.