you construct a square by doing tattee on it look for the tattee.
Construct and angle and bisect it, that should do it.
You construct a Hexagon by drawing 8 lines that touch each other.
Canada square, canary wharf
it means make something for example: construct a triangle then you would make a triangle.
My ship has arrived at the wharf. The wharf is on the north side of the marina.
The plural form for the noun wharf is wharves.
India Wharf was created in 1807.
Holt's Wharf ended in 1973.
Alex Wharf was born in 1975.
Wharf Angel was created in 1936.
Nouakchott Wharf was created in 1966.
Wellsburg Wharf was created in 1836.
The Wharf - Holdings - was created in 1886.
Purdy's Wharf was created in 1990.
Wharf of Windows was created in 2000.
Holt's Wharf was created in 1910.