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to lett ur heattbeat come down to normal so they hav the exact reading

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Q: Why you need to wait until 1 to 2 minutes to recheck the blood pressure?
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Will a cortisone shot increase your blood pressure and if so for how long?

i never had high blood pressure until after i had injections in my feet

Can a narcotics lower your blood pressure?

Not until it gets near toxic levels.

How does gender affect blood pressure?

High blood pressure is the result of heredity, age, activity level, and nutrition. Males have higher blood pressure than females until the age of 55, where the risk of high blood pressure is the same for both sexes. After menopause, levels of estrogen are significantly lower, thereby increasing blood because high to medium testosterone levels are related to high blood pressure. Source linked

Can you check your own blood pressure without a monitor?

If you have a blood pressure cuff and no stethoscope, you can measure the systolic blood pressure only. To do this, apply the blood pressure cuff to the patent's arm and find the patient's radial pulse (palm-side of the wrist on the thumb-side) with your fingers. While monitoring the patient's radial pulse, increase the pressure in the cuff until you can no longer feel a pulse. Add a bit more pressure, then slowly deflate the cuff until you can feel the pulse return. Since you are only doing this by feel, you will note it 'by palpation'. For example, if your patient's pulse is 132 systolic, you will note it as 132/P.

What is Gelafundin?

Gelafundin is a substance that is used to increase intravascular volume (the volume inside blood vessels). This may be used for example in case of a low blood pressure (because an increase in the intravascular vol causes an increase in blood pressure) until blood is available.

Rate at which you should deflate a blood pressure cuff?

slowly until the sound become muffled and then disappear

Do normal blood pressure readings change depending upon the person's age?

A normal blood pressure is between 120 and 150. Blood pressure readings do change with age, as you normally start to develop heart problems (especially in men). However, this change will be gradual, and your body will adapt to it. You will often notice no signs of high blood pressure until your next trip to the doctor.

What does the bottom number mean on your blood pressure?

Blood pressure is a two-number measurement of your heart's function. The top number is the systolic pressure, or the pressure of the blood within the vessels as your heart contracts. The bottom, or diastolic, number is the pressure of blood between the heartbeats, or when your heart rests and refills. The National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute sets the target range at less than 120/80.

Can daily walking cure high blood pressure?

If your high blood pressure is caused by obesity, walking and losing weight can help, but it might not cure the high blood pressure. Keep taking your medication until your doctor advises you it's safe to stop.

What is temperature of melting ice every 2 minutes?

The temperature of melting ice remains constant at 0°C as it transitions from solid to liquid state. This is known as the melting point of ice.

When you stand up quickly after lying flat what mechanisms stop your blood from rushing to your feet causing fainting?

The force of gravity causes the blood pressure in vessels going to the brain to drop. This causes temporary faintness until homeostatic mechanisms elevate blood pressure in these vessels.

Why do they call high blood pressure the silent killer?

because people die from it, and it can be ignored until it strikes.