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Q: Why you sit important to use standards or to develop a standard curve in spectrophotometry?
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Who develop the ascii code?

The ASCII (American Standard Code for Information Interchange) was developed in 1960 by the American Standards Association. The first standard was published in 1963.

Why is it important for W3C to develop web standards?

It is important. As Crawlers use a very specific logic to read your content. This is a global standard which is meant to be followed to help your website be indexed, Also your site does not have vulnerability towards errors or lag on render time. Validating your code online at w3c validator would help you bring your website up to w3c standards.

Why is it important for the W3C to develop Web standards?

It is important. As Crawlers use a very specific logic to read your content. This is a global standard which is meant to be followed to help your website be indexed, Also your site does not have vulnerability towards errors or lag on render time. Validating your code online at w3c validator would help you bring your website up to w3c standards.

Why did engineering societies develop standards?

Engineering societies develop standards to maintain uniformity across the profession.

What is the role of the National Institute of standard and technology in fulfilling an expressed power?

The NIST is an Agency of the Department of Commerce. The agency works with industry to develop and apply technology, measurements, and standards.

Description of Bureau of product standards?

The BUREAU OF PRODUCT STANDARDS is the Philippines' National Standards Body (NSB). BPS is mandated to develop, implement, and coordinate standardization activities in the Philippines. It is primarily involved in standards development and standards implementation/promotion.

When was the National Skill Standards Board created?

In 1994, Congress created the National Skill Standards Board (NSSB) to develop a voluntary national system of skill standards, assessment, and certification.

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why is it important to develop various theories of firm?

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it is important for a country develop as much industry

Why is it important for a country to develop as much as possible?

it is important for a country develop as much industry

Which organization was created to develop national standards for organic foods?

National Organic Program

How many codes did the NFPA develop?

There are currently over 360 NFPA codes and standards