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Q: Wildlife managers must know the number of extra (surplus) animals to set hunting quotas. TRUE FALSE?
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How is surplus food better than hunting?

surplus food is extra food left over from another point in time

Why do predators mostly eat surplus animals?

Predators mainly eat surplus animals because they are easy to catch. They also are use to eating the animals, so they like them.

What did the domestication of crops and animals mean for mesopotamia?

By cultivating crops and raising animals, the Mesopotamians were able to store a surplus of food. Thanks to food surplus, many people were no longer needed for hunting and gathering, and it only took some of the people to farm, so the rest could specialize at learning other tasks. Additionally, farming allowed the population to increase.

Is hunting right?

Is fishing right? Is keeping pets right? Legal and controlled hunting should not be confused with exploitation, poaching or any form of pointless abuse of another creature. In a controlled manner, under legal circumstances, hunting is a very important part in wildlife conservation. Not only are many hunters responsible for generating fast amounts of money that go directly back into conservation and wildlife research, but hunting as a heritage in many cultures has brought man into close contact with wild animals and the natural environment we are a integral part of. Hunting is also a form of wildlife management and controlling the numbers of certain species, especially in areas that are restricted in size and where other natural predators have been removed. In many African countries that don't have a developed tourism industry, trophy hunting for a minor surplus of animals is the only form of revenue created for game wardens, researchers, game park and reserve staff as well as local villagers. Though it may be hard to fathom that an animal has to die in order for the rest of its specie to survive, these hard facts are a part of our modern world and the only way forward is through scientifically managed and regulated sustainable utilization.

Is industrial society the first type of society to generate a material surplus?

hunting and gathering

What happens to the huge surplus of corn in the US?

its fed to animals

What is the recommended best ammunition for a Springfield M1A 308 new gun?

depends on the use. Hunting? paper or home protection? Federal Winchester or Remington make ammo for this. There are surplus ammo you can find at a lower price them commercial hunting or match ammo. Make sure the surplus ammo does not have corrosive primers.

Do predators mostly eat surplus animals?

Yes, most predators eat

What is a food surplus?

The word surplus means you have more than enough of something, more than is needed. So a surplus of food is when there is extra food, more than is necessary. the surplus is like list some of crops and animals they used

What two things resulted in the Neolithic Revolution?

The domestication of plants and animals led to settled farming communities and the shift from hunting and gathering to agriculture, which characterizes the Neolithic Revolution. This transition facilitated the development of food surplus, permanent settlements, and specialized labor.

Where can one purchase camo hunting clothes?

Camouflaged hunting clothes are readily available at sporting goods stores. Army Surplus stores also cary camouflage clothing and hunting gear. Many types of colors and styles are available at both locations.

Do predators mostly eat surplus animals. Why or why not?

shure why? because thats what they just eat.