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Q: Will a stack of 1000 congruent triangles form?
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What is c.p.c.t?

Corresponding Parts of Congruent Triangles is the full form od CPCT.

What quadrilaterals diagonals form 4 congruent triangles?

A square

How do you prove something is congruent with the form SAS?

Show that, if you have two triangles, two of the sides and the angle in between are congruent.

Name the type of special quadrilateral that will appear when you join two congruent scalene right triangles?

Two scalene right triangles that are congruent, that is, that have identical size and shape, if joined together to form a quadrilateral, will form a rectangle.

Can all 4 sided shape be made by two right angled triangles?

Absolutely. Any two congruent right triangles will form a rectangle, and if the right triangles are isosceles right triangles, they will form a square.

Can two congruent triangles form a rectangle?

No it can not you can try all these different ways but it will not work

Can you put two congruent triangles together to make a quadrilateral that is not a parallelogram?

Yes. They can form a kite.

How do you use geomitry words to describe how to join triangles to make quadrilaterals?

Any 2 congruent triangles joined together will form a 4 sided quadrilateral

How do you use two right angled triangles to make a parallelogram?

If they are congruent right angle triangles then just join them together side by side to form a parallelogram.

What does a perpendicular bisector of a triangle split into two congruent parts?

That will depend on what type of triangle it is as for example if it is an isosceles triangle then it will form two congruent right angle triangles.

Use six toothpicks to construct four congruent triangles?

Arrange the toothpicks to form a square with a diagonal crossing through the center. Then, create triangles by connecting each corner of the square to the center of the diagonal. Each of the four resulting triangles will be congruent to each other.

Do the diagonals of a quadrilateral kite separate the kite into four congruent triangles?

Not necessarly. If the sum of two of the sides congruent to each other are greater than that of the sides opposite them, then no. If however the kite forms a rombus ot square, the diagnoles will form four congruent triangles with the base of both being the line of symmetry.