Fractions that have the same size or the same value are called equivalent fractions. They represent the same amount or quantity, even though they may look different. For example, 1/2 and 2/4 are equivalent fractions because they both represent half of a whole.
Equivalent fractions can be defined as fractions that may have different numerators and denominators but they represent the same value. For example, 9/12 and 6/8 are equivalent fractions because both are equal to 3/4.
Fractions and decimals that represent the same value are equivalent. For example, 1//4 and 0.25 are equivalent.
They are called equivalent fractions
Equivalent fractions appear to be different values, but reduce to the same simplified form. They represent the same part of a whole.
Fractions that have the same size or the same value are called equivalent fractions. They represent the same amount or quantity, even though they may look different. For example, 1/2 and 2/4 are equivalent fractions because they both represent half of a whole.
Equivalent fractions can be defined as fractions that may have different numerators and denominators but they represent the same value. For example, 9/12 and 6/8 are equivalent fractions because both are equal to 3/4.
Equivalent Fractions
Write two fractions that the point on the number line represent
They are equivalent fractions
equivalent fractions
Fractions and decimals that represent the same value are equivalent. For example, 1//4 and 0.25 are equivalent.
Equivalent fractions are fractions that have the same value as another fraction.
Oh, dude, non-equivalent fractions are basically fractions that don't represent the same amount, like comparing a slice of pizza to a whole pizza - totally not the same, right? It's like trying to say a mini cupcake is the same as a giant cake - nah, not gonna fly. So yeah, non-equivalent fractions are just fractions that are like apples and oranges, you know?
They have the same value.
They are called equivalent fractions
Equivalent fractions represents the same portion of a whole and are the same fraction.