Yes Answer: Marihuana is already legal in many countries. The amounts are generally limited to personal use, medical use or amounts consumed in licensed establishments.
The brain teaser "ever ever ever ever ever" is intentionally repetitive and doesn't have a clear meaning. It is likely just a nonsensical phrase used to test one's ability to recognize patterns or think creatively. The repetition may lead you to look for a hidden pattern or meaning that isn't actually there.
no one has ever had 1000 billion dollars ever.
There are no two "last" composite numbers. Just as with prime numbers, and all numbers, they go on for ever and ever and ever and ever ... ... .
Ever since
"Marihuana" (1936) "The Marihuana Story" (1950)
Marihuana is a plant stupid
The duration of Marihuana - film - is 3420.0 seconds.
Marihuana - film - was created in 1936-05.
The duration of The Marihuana Story is 1.63 hours.
The Marihuana Story was created on 1950-09-27.
Marihuana - El monstruo verde - was created in 1936.
Both ways of spelling the word marijuana, or (marihuana) are correct.
cause alabama is the leading state in gate way drugs
Depends where you live cause its legal in many places already